Online Jobs For College Students That Don't Cost Much

By Gordon Stafford

It is understandable that you are looking for online jobs for college students that would not cost you much money when starting out. In addition, you would want online jobs that are easy to start and do not take much of your time as you need to concentrate on your studies. Here are some ideas that would be ideal for you:

Online Surveys- provide many online jobs for college students. I am going to go through a few points and myths about these and reveal the truth about online surveys.MOST of these site will pay about 50 cents per survey and each one of these surveys takes at least 10-15 minutes and you must be qualified for each one. For example they might be looking for a female between 18 and 25 who lives in the Boston area and if you do not match these qualifications then they will not pay you.

There are surveys that pay 10-15 dollars each. Now these are few and far between so there are very few of these online jobs for college students. Also these surveys all require you to download and install products as well as purchasing products. This not only cuts into your profits but it also causes computer issues. Many times it will slow your computer down as well as download viruses onto your computer which is just asking for a disaster.If you have experience in building virtual machines on computers and are an expert at fixing computers then this could be worthwhile however this is not one of the very practical online jobs for college students.

If you provide them valuable information then they are more willing to buy from you. It's really karmic, treat your readers well, and they will treat you well by buying stuff from you. A great way to live and to make money on line is following this simple rule.I just showed you three ways of making money while in college. I feel these are the best online jobs for college students because you can get started with no money and these avenues have been proven to work for many people.

Are you a college student? Would you like some ideas about online jobs for college students? Do you have access to a computer? If you are reading this, than I assume so...wink. It is funny when I think about it because way back in the olden days when I was in college (1994-1998), it was uncommon for students to have computers in their rooms. Some of us did have PCs, but for typing papers only. I laugh out loud when I think that we didn't have access to Google if we needed to look something up. I mean really, we had to go to the library. I went to Virginia Tech, so naturally the library was 5 miles in the snow uphill both ways. And if we got stuck in the snow, its not like we could call for help from our cell phones. Yikes... Sorry.

What if you could work at home (or in your dorm), work your own hours, and make just as much or more money? Well heck yea! That sounds good doesn't it! A lot of students these days turn to the internet for a way to make a few extra dollars, however there is SOOO much HYPE out there it's hard to determine what's legitimate and what's a scam. The fact is that most are SCAMS, or ridiculously expensive to get into, and not very practical.First, let's realize that any viable online job will require some effort on your part, and there is no such thing as something for nothing. You are not going to "get rich quick". If you see something that says you will make gobs of cash overnight, don't fall for it. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Let me explain how I learned about affiliate marketing. I was a stay at home mom. One day my husband lost his job and took another one which was not making ends meet for us. I searched online to find out about possible online jobs for stay at home moms. I was quickly bombarded with a load of 'become a millionaire today' and other get rich quick schemes. Some programs were so ridiculous that I almost gave up. Luckily, I searched on and found a company called Wealthy Affiliates. This program claimed to teach you how to become a successful affiliate marketer. I was thinking, what is an affiliate marketer? Upon further research of Wealthy Affiliates, I learned that an affiliate marketer is someone who basically builds websites to sell products online.

I was still very leery because I didn't know how to build a webpage and I had no products of my own to sell. Well I dug a little deeper and found that Wealthy Affiliates would teach me step by step how to build a website for virtually any product in existence. And I didn't need my own product because virtually every company online wants and needs affiliate marketers to promote their products for them. The reason for this is that it saves that company dollars in advertising. So it is a win win situation. I make money promoting products and the company saves money because I am promoting their product! And the greatest thing is that this is all FREE to me. It costs absolutely nothing to build a website and promote products online.I wish that when I was in college I had an opportunity like affiliate marketing. I would have loved to stay in my PJ's all day pecking away at my computer instead of walking in the snow uphill both ways to the bagel shop I worked at... So, that is why I believe affiliate marketing is the absolutely best online jobs for college students.

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