An Insight Into The Google Glass Product

By Rahmah Sajid

Imagine being able to have the freedom of going outside and being able to make use of the internet instantly for almost anything you can think of. Or maybe you saw something and would like to know more about. Perhaps you're in a foreign country and you're having trouble trying to make yourself understood. This helpful tool that you wear as regular glasses can help you access the internet instantly and find you a simplified version of referring to something or expressing yourself in the language spoken in that country.

The Google Glass Project is one of the most up-to-date forms of telecommunication. In fact, it takes telecommunication one step further in that the Google Glass wearer is not communicating with other individuals, but is rather communicating with Google and the internet itself. It utilizes natural voice commands to search the internet and operate all further functions completed beyond the search engine results.

The Google Glass device takes form in a convenient and discrete pair of spectacles. The screen placed before the wearer's eyes allows one to view all Google functions as if you were using a traditional computer monitor. The project is similar to a smartphone, but is completely hands-free allowing one to continue with everyday living while using the internet.

He was impressed by the device's video filming capabilities and said that some reporter's are already making use of this technology to film footage in difficult circumstances such as riots and demonstrations. They seem to be wondering if it may make live-stream possible.

Google Glass is the new frontier in connecting your virtual world with your reality. So be sure to take advantage of all the new features and remember to have fun. This is something that you have never seen before, so be sure to take your time and learn all the functions first. Otherwise, you might mess up and make some serious mistakes that will eventually require even more of your time to correct.

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